7th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing

Pułtusk Castle, Poland, 6 - 10 November 2015



Dear Participants of the SMCBS'2015 Workshop,

Our scientific and training event has just been over. We would like to thank you all for active participation in the Workshop and, because of your participation, for its exceptionally cheerful atmosphere.

Many thanks are due to members of the International Scientific Advisory Board for their efficient work on the merit of the Workshop and their fruitful service on the Jury of the Poster Contest.

We would like to thank tutorial lecture speakers for high quality instructive presentations, keynote lecture speakers for acquainting us with top-of-the notch developments in a range of surface studies, speakers of short communications for their efforts in achieving best performance in oral scientific presentations, and young poster authors for all the science (and art) presented.

Please, share with us your comments and opinions with respect to all issues related to the Workshop including its program, lectures, short communications, and posters as well as to exhibition of scientific instrumentation, social events, accommodation, and food. Your comments are very important for us. This is because we would like the next Workshop of this series, SMCBS'2017, to be much better.

Soon, a photo gallery of the Workshop will be ready. I will notify you about it separately.

If you have your own photos taken at the Workshop, which you would like to share with others, please, email them to us.

We hope to see you all, again, at the 8th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing, SMCBS'2017, in Poland, exactly in two years from now at the location to be selected. Meanwhile, please, mark your calendar for the first weekend of November 2017 for this coming event.


Farewell everybody!

Wlodzimierz Kutner and Marcin Opallo


SMCBS'2015 Workshop
