11th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing

Łochów, Poland, 3-7 November 2023





Abstract Preparation

  • Contributions will be accepted based on quality and relevance of the submitted abstracts.
  • A single-page abstract must be composed using the abstract template and guidelines provided.
  • The abstract must be submitted at registration as a docx file.
  • The abstract will be published as received without editing.

Download abstract template


One contribution per participant is allowed
Oral presentations are preferred, which will include tutorial lectures, keynote lectures, and short communications. A PC (Windows, PowerPoint 2016) computer facility including a multimedia projector and a laser pointer will be available at the Workshop site. Poster presentation will be included in the Program.

Tutorial lectures

40 min
Distinguished scientists will be invited to deliver tutorial lectures which are intended to cover fundamentals, recent review material, and selected illustrative results of current research of their and other groups. It is suggested to give 35-min presentation and leave 5 min for discussion.

Keynote lectures

20 min
Prominent specialists will present keynote lectures on selected "hot" topics of their research areas. It is suggested to give 17-min presentation and leave 3 min for discussion.

Short Communications

15 min
Young researchers are welcome to present short communications covering most exciting results of their own research. It is suggested to give 12-min presentation and leave 3 min for discussion.


A0, 1189 mm (height) × 841 mm (width)
Objective, introduction, experimental, results, and conclusions of a research accomplished as well as a minimum number of references should be presented in a poster. Maximum accepted size of a poster, in vertical orientation, is A0.


Official language of the Workshop is English.

Instructions for Speakers

  • All speakers have to upload and to check their talks on the presentation computer (Windows with PowerPoint 2016) in the morning to avoid time-consuming procedures during the sessions. For the same reasons we ask speakers not to use their own computers.
  • In the case that a speaker has to use a Macbook, please bring your own adapter (VGA).
  • Please respect given time for talks:
    • Tutorial: 35 min + 5 min of discussion
    • Keynote: 17 min + 3 min of discussion
    • Short Communication: 12 min + 3 min of discussion

Instructions for Poster Presenters

  • Poster size is maximum A0, in vertical orientation.
  • All posters will be present during the conference.
  • Please hang up your poster on Friday, November 3, after your arrival to the Hotel.
  • The board for your poster will be indicated by the poster number, published in the book of abstracts.
  • During poster sessions, the author should be present for discussions.
  • Please remove your poster on Monday, November 6, after the last afternoon session.
  • Remaining posters will be discarded.