5th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing
We are pleased to present this programme of the 5th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing, SMCBS, organised by The Polish Supramolecular Chemistry Network Foundation under the auspices of the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. In the spirit of the previous meetings we are especially happy to see so many contributions from young researchers who present their results in short oral communications or in the form of posters. We are also proud that over a dozen distinguished scientists have accepted our invitations to deliver tutorial lectures that can function as the basis for further discussions.
With an increasingly complex chemical environment, the development of new chemo- and biosensors is a vital tool for monitoring the ecosystem, safeguarding our food supply and providing crucial information for clinical diagnosis and therapy. As the trend goes towards both increasing sensitivity and selectivity control over the specific properties of the sensor surface becomes all the more important. The development of modern sophisticated chemo- and biosensors requires collaboration not only from the fields of chemistry and biology, but also from physics, materials science, electronics, etc. Although the centre of gravity of the SMCBS workshops continues to be on the electrochemical aspects of sensing, we hope that the broad spectrum of participants can nurture the interdisciplinary meetings that give rise to new important ideas.
As with the previous meetings in the SMCBS series, organised in Białowieża (2003), Kazimierz Dolny (2005), Włodowice (2007), and Przegorzały (2009), this year's workshop hosts all the participants in a single location to give ample opportunity for researchers to meet for discussions and exchange of ideas that might lead to new research concepts and, most desirably, mutual collaborations.
The Organising and Programme Committee is grateful to all those who contributed to the present workshop. We are particularly thankful to the authors of the contributions, to the persons chairing the sessions and the members of the International Scientific Advisory Board.
On behalf of the Organising and Programme Committee we welcome all the participants and wish you an excellent workshop, both scientifically and socially.
Włodzimierz Kutner and Marcin Opałło
Warsaw, Oct 2011